he’s a magician i know
it’s amazing how “slight of hand” goes
he disappeared me so fast
i never knew.. what happened
i don’t like clowns and magicians
they’re equally bad as musicians
who take somethin’ meant to last
and sing it gone.. and clowns just smile
how can a poor girl like me be floating around this place
invisible to most of his friends who once called by name
there he is talking to somebody else in the doorway
she’s pretty.. i don’t think i know her
he’s a magician i know
it’s amazing how “slight of hand” goes
he disappeared me so fast
I never knew.. what happened
it’s amazing how “slight of hand” goes
he disappeared me so fast
i never knew.. what happened
i don’t like clowns and magicians
they’re equally bad as musicians
who take somethin’ meant to last
and sing it gone.. and clowns just smile
how can a poor girl like me be floating around this place
invisible to most of his friends who once called by name
there he is talking to somebody else in the doorway
she’s pretty.. i don’t think i know her
he’s a magician i know
it’s amazing how “slight of hand” goes
he disappeared me so fast
I never knew.. what happened